As the Seller of a property, you will be responsible for the following costs in the transfer process:
- The Agents Commission as per the Offer to Purchase
- The legal cost for the cancellation of any existing bond ( Bond Cancellation Fees) that is registered for the property.
- The amount owing on your bond over the property (bond to be cancelled).
- Rates and taxes that are due on the property in order to get a clearance certificate (the municipality always calculates a four (4) month forward projection in order to issue the clearance figures). The amount needs to be paid in order to obtain a Rates Clearance Certificate.
- Council Consultant Fees – the submission of the council figures, forwarding proof of payment once the clearance figures have been paid and obtaining the clearance certificate
- Body Corporate Levies in order to get the Body Corporate Certificate ( if the property is a sectional title)
- Home Owners Certificate in order to get the Home Owners Certificate to lodge with the documents in the Deeds Office. ( if the property is in a security complex and it is mentioned in the Title Deeds as a condition)
- Any cost associated with obtaining an Electrical Certificate of Compliance, Electric Fence Certificate and Gas Certificate.